Martin De Saulles

30 04 2009

Martin De Saulles Interview low res

Digital Photography Playing the role of Memory

30 04 2009

When I was flicking through some old photos on my PC it got me thinking about how photography is changing. Digital photography has its obvious advantages, such as its economics and versatility. As more people adopt digital photography it has given increasing  numbers of people the ability to take photos. And take photos they do. Don’t get me wrong, I love photography and I love the ease at which photography can be shared. I don’t want to sound all philosophical, but I think people should live life through experience as opposed to seeing the world through a camera lens trying to capture everything ‘on film’.

The photos that I was flicking through brought feelings of nostalgia and a sense of warmth, but I couldn’t help that these memories were stuck in the images. I’m reluctant to say that I wouldn’t of remembered those times, but the images certainly help. Sometimes I try to restrain from using a camera simply to experience, but seeing the photos on my computer screen, I sometimes can’t help but remember the image as opposed to the actual experience. The memories that I have of these moments are great, but I’m always grateful for other people taking the snaps. How much does photography affects the human memory?